If you are having difficulties with your ability to breathe, then we may recommend that you undergo a bronchoscopy procedure. A bronchoscopy procedure can help to diagnose problems with your airway, your lungs or the lymph nodes in your chest.
During a bronchoscopy procedure, one of our doctors will use a bronchoscope, which is a thin viewing instrument, to look into your airway and examine your throat, trachea, larynx and lower airways.
Flexible Bronchoscopy – During a flexible bronchoscopy procedure, the doctor will insert a long and thin tube down your airway. It’s a lighted tube that is flexible, which means that you’ll be more comfortable during the procedure and won’t require general anesthesia. The doctor will also be able to remove small tissue samples during this process.
Bronchoscopy procedures can be used to both diagnose and treat various issues. The following are some of the common issues you may have that we will treat using a bronchoscopy:
You’ll need to follow the specific instructions of your doctor. The doctor may require you to do the following:
It’s also important that you relate to your doctor any medications that you are on and any medications that you are allergic to, including anesthetics.
For more information about our bronchoscopy procedures, be sure to contact us at Brunswick Pulmonary & Sleep Medicine today.